



Gaido Health’s mission is to predict early patient complications to ensure more timely intervention that will improve the quality of care and outcome of the patient while reducing healthcare costs. Undetected, abnormal signs & symptoms are common among patients receiving treatment for advanced cancers which can lead to unplanned emergency room visits and hospital admissions, which are expensive and unpleasant for the patient. The Gaido Health solution will enable patient-centered care where the patient, the clinician, and the hospital will all receive benefits.


User Experience Design

User Interface Design

Accessibility & Compliance

Design Systems & Design specs

Branding & Visual Design

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NAX Venture Studio

Design Director | Venture Studio
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Creating bespoke corporate led-startups that help make ESG commercially viable.

Mentoring & Feedback
Team Career Development
UX Vision & Strategy
Business Advocacy
Requirements Definition
Lean Service Design